Your BetterNESTTM Score

9 BetterNESTTM Score Questions
Get your personalized BetterNESTTM Score!
This short quiz will generate your personalized BetterNESTTM Score, taking into account potential environmental health risks based on your local environment, home and personal behaviors. Whether you’re considering pregnancy, currently pregnant, or have a new baby or young children at home, your BetterNESTTM Score can help you make informed decisions to protect your health - and the health of your family.
For all questions, select the response that best fits your situation, it doesn’t have to be an exact fit. Please note that all questions are required to generate your score.
Question 1
Are you considering pregnancy, currently pregnant, or have a baby or young children at home?
I’m considering pregnancy
I’m currently pregnant
I have a baby or young children at home